Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well, hello there! It's been a while. Let's see...Kurt and I got married in a beautiful ceremony on a rainy, dark day at GVSU. While enjoying the newlywed stage we were surprised to find out I was pregnant (about 1 1/2 years prior to what we had planned!) and welcomed our little guy, Matthew, on March 25, 2011.
My pregnancy was a breeze, I can't really complain (a little morning sickness here, some back pain there - it definetly could have been worse). The delivery, on the other hand, was terrible. My water broke at home (while I was on the phone with Lisa!) and on our way to the hospital contractions set in. I asked for an epidural as soon as we walked through the doors, but I had to wait a little longer...After being in active labor for 16 hours, I finally started pushing and pushed for 2 hours. After 2 hours of pushing with no progress, my doctor decided it was time for a c-section. The c-section was a little rough - my uterus wouldn't contract after they removed Matthew, so I was given a few different drugs to stop the bleeding and had a compression suture placed around my uturus. I also had to have a blood transfusion because I lost quite a bit of blood. I don't remember most of the first 6 after Matthew was born, but I knew my little man was here and I couldn't wait to get my hands on him! We were very thankful for Matthew's health and know that God had His hand on him and me throughout the whole delivery. The first 2 weeks Kurt stayed home with me. Those were some long days and longer nights, since I couldn't really do anything for myself, Kurt had to do everything for me and for Matthew! He's just the greatest husband and daddy we could ask for.
I did not go back to work after Matthew was born and have been enjoying spending my days at home with my silly little monkey. We play, read, snuggle, explore and just enjoy each other's company.
We've made the treck back to Michigan quite a few times and plan to head home again for Matthew's first birthday. Wow, he's going to be one in 6 weeks?!? That kind of blows my mind!
In other news, Kurt has officially been with Mass Electric for 3 years and we feel so blessed to be with a such a supportive and understanding company and have such job security for Kurt, being a one income family!

My goal is to update once a week, I don't know if that will happen, but it's a great goal, right?! Once I refamiliarize myself with Blogger I'll start posting pictures too!

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